Tuesday 19 May 2015

How to create Database backup at any specific path using sql query ?

In this post I wrote a SQL query to create Database backup at specified path.

-- by using this script you can create a backup of your database at specified loaction.
         use DemoDB
      DECLARE @dbName varchar(200);
      DECLARE @backupPath varchar(200);
      DECLARE @backupQuery varchar(800);
         -- set you DB name here
         set @dbName = 'DemoDB';

         -- set your backup path here
         set @backupPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\';

         -- declare a date variable
         DECLARE @dtval varchar(200);

         -- Set current date value in any formate as you wish
         set @dtval = '_Date_' + convert(varchar, getdate(), 105)

         -- declare a date variable
         declare @tmval varchar(200);

         -- Set current time value in any formate as you wish
         set @tmval = (REPLACE(RIGHT(CONVERT(CHAR(20), GETDATE(), 22), 11), ':', '.' ));
         set @tmval = '_Time_'+ rtrim(ltrim(left(@tmval, len(@tmval)-2))) + '_' + ltrim(rtrim(right(@tmval,2)))
        -- And here set your query with above variables
         set @backupQuery =  'backup database ' + @dbName + ' to disk = ''' + @backupPath + @dbName + @dtval + @tmval + '.bak'''

         -- Print SQL statement
      print @backupQuery

      --Finally Execute backup script
      EXEC (@backupQuery)


In the above article I try to explain a SQL query to create database backup. I hope its useful to you. Please post your feedback, question, or comments about this article.

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